White Papers

TMS, The future of the agile supply chain

« In our complex world, the TMS brings more efficiency and clarity. » Jérôme Bour, DDS Logistics CEO

Conclusion #1

More than 43% of businesses still use a spreadsheet to manage transport tendering! TMS equipment matters to 12% of the logistic managers surveyed.

Conclusion #2

Over 60% of businesses haven’t gone digital for communication with carriers. In 2016, phones, faxes and emails are still the main communication tools!

Conclusion #3

Over 40% of businesses still track costs manually! 39% of companies are unable to issue pre-invoices.

Conclusion #4

53% of companies have no control over their shipments’ tracing data. 54% of the businesses surveyed are dissatisfied with their tracing system.

Conclusion #5

58% of businesses have no smart tool to respond efficiently to incidents in their supply chain. 45% of companies are dissatisfied with the statistical monitoring of their shipments.

Conclusion #6

Most businesses do not have the tools to comply with the upcoming carbon regulations! Businesses need visibility and tools that adjust to the new standards!

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